I mentioned in an earlier post that this summer/Ramadan was a time of reflection.
Opportunities abound in this recovering fiscally pumped-up global economy. A key part of this summer's extended sojourn, far away from the radiating oppressive heat of the jebels, was to sample and contractually confirm the great treasures and pleasures that were placed on offer elsewhere for the rental of the Dragon's talents.
And the results are... well..."good news / bad news".
Good News
The Dragon will keep up the posts on Oman, perhaps with a slighty lower frequency.
Bad News
The treasure on offer was way too good to resist. Especially with the added attractions of:
(1) an excellent cave in the real world*, one I can actually own freehold;
(2) shockingly reasonable prices for champagne and pork products;
(3) a city where you can drink outside in a gorgeous bar watching sophisticated people passing by, none of whom mind that you're consuming alcohol and smoking during Ramadan...
(4) living in a country with real laws and an independent judiciary, away from the ever present worry of a knock on the door by the ROP because I'd been identified by the Zedjali clan, agents of De Verre, the many wastafarians I've pissed off, some religious wacko, Mohana, OMRAAN, etc, etc, etc.
Yep. The magic had worn off Oman, I have to admit.
From a place of wonder, populated by open and generous people, Oman had slowly emerged as a place that seemed increasingly dominated by the things I disliked (and lacking the things I do like):
- Unemployed ignorant young Omanis who think the world owes them a living, and increasingly turning to petty crime, violence, yobbism, and class A drugs.
- Wonderful, intelligent and talented young Omani women cowed into wearing Saudi-Wahibi rent-a-tents, unable to be in public, and acting like they are on parole with no prospects of what I would consider a free and fulfilling life.
- A state bureaucracy dominated by rent-taking self serving incompetents in service to the oligarchs.
- A conspiracy between civil servants and populace to provide succor rather than excellence, especially in the critical areas of education, employment and health.
- A pathetic media that keeps finding new lows when it comes to not reporting on the increasingly visceral problems of hard working, yet tremendously indebted, law abiding citizens.
And all supported by an underclass of semi-enslaved Indian, Sri Lankan, Afghani, Filipino, Indonesian, and Pakistani workers. Most of whom, in my experience, were far happier, polite, civil and accepting of their circumstance than they should be.
So, Ms Dragon and myself have packed up, kissed our many friends goodbye, and left Oman for greener pastures on the glorious wings of one-way business class.
As so many mouth-breathing retarded haters on this blog (and others) have commented - "you can go somewhere else". Well, guess what, we have. You may be interested to learn we've gone to a place for more money, not less (even including taxes), and with a lower cost of living too. LMAO.
You see, we were only ever here because we liked being here.
We stopped liking it.
To my many Omani and Expat friends, most of whom didn't - and still don't - know of my alter ego; We miss you very, very much.
To my 'net friends and many ananymous sources of 'goings on' - don't worry: the internet is still there and as long as you keep emailing me, and I keep posting, what does it matter that I'm not domiciled in Muscat? In fact, being now safely out of the reach of those that might do me injustice is another dose of good news.
I am now no longer bound by the draconian laws of Oman when it comes to what I want to post on Muscat Confidential. The laws of my new cave are,.... very, very liberal indeed.
So, watch this space. I still love the potential of the country and want to keep an eye on things. And I intend to give you news you don't get anywhere else.
So hello, and goodbye. Some shocking stories in the works. Send me an email if I get blocked - where I am I won't notice.
The Dragon
*The Real World...
What do I mean by "The Real World"? Well, a place where the law is more independent and is not as controlled by vague laws and arbitrary arrest and charges. Where your right to voice an opinion is free. Where you have the right to vote, to assemble, to unionise, to form political parties, to have a say on your taxation. Where one can surf the net without filters, and use Skype and Blackberry for f*&ks' sake.
PPS: So who is the Dragon?
Ahhh, I remain wary of the long arm of a few I have annoyed here at Muscat Confidential. I intend to remain anon for now. My exit may at least eliminate a few suspects who remain!
For the good people, and there are many, I may leave a clue or two in future... Stay tuned.