Here is the unedited interview in full. The interview was held via email on 8th Feb, 2010. I'm publishing this here hopefully the day before the story is printed in Times of Oman. While I'm not yet convinced there will be any mention of Muscat Confidential in the story, I am thinking that if I am mentioned it will be in pretty derogatory terms... So I wanted to put the interview on public record. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid.
I'm very pleased to have been given the opportunity to answer some questions, many of which I hadn't considered before.
It wasn't something I'd thought of doing, but in hindsight I'm glad I did. I tried to answer the questions as much as I could. It is bit schizoid being the author of the Dragon, I must admit. I'm sure most of you realise, especially those who blog, that Mr Dragon is as much a character as he is myself.
Hope you enjoy. And well done Times of Oman*.
Undercover Dragon,
Muscat 2010.
>>>> How is it that you have your finger on the pulse of much that is Oman,
>>>> all the time?
I probably only scratch the surface of what's going on with what I can
publish. But there have been a few stories that people are interested
in that have never been picked up by the print media or other on-line
news suppliers. Actually, a lot of what I write about is already
somewhere in the public domain, and its just connecting some dots or
making some observations.
>>>> Are you not afraid your cover will be blown?
While it would not be good to be public with my identity, as I'd
prefer to keep it separate from my professional and personal life, it
doesn't keep me awake at night! More importantly, it would probably
make the blog far less entertaining. And it's very important to be
entertaining. No-one wants to just read stale news items.
>>>> (Dare I ask this?) How do you cover your web footprint?
Its not that difficult to protect ones internet footprint from casual
observers, or to a certain extent, even from the internet service
provider. But unless one goes to extraordinary lengths there is no way
to protect yourself from the professionals. Occasional lapses in
Omantel's internet censorship software indicate that Omantel is
tracking the TCP/IP numbers that access Muscat Confidential within
Oman. The website itself is hosted in the USA. In fact, how do you
really know I'm in Oman at all?
>>>> Does anyone know who you are?
A few people do. But there are not very many, and they are very, very
close personal friends who know how important maintaining that
anonymity is. You don't have to know who I am to know that Undercover
Dragon exists or is real. That's one of the fascinating things about
the internet.
>>>> Have you ever gotten into any kind of trouble with the authorities?
No, not really. Some of my posts have annoyed some individuals within
the Government, but being annoying is not illegal. If the real
authorities thought the blog was illegal it would be trivial to block
access to the site, and they haven't done so. Oman's internet and
freedom of speech laws are potentially draconian as they stand, but in
practice they are not as bad as a lot of people think. The problem is
that the laws are so vague and poorly drafted they conceptually
include almost any critique of anyone connected to the Government,
even when the information is in the public domain already and the
statements are accepted as true. The punishments include some serious
jail time, and have not really been tested in the courts at all, so
no-one knows what the laws really mean or where the legal boundaries
are. Just look at the recent court cases involving the internet forums
and the sudden deportations of journalists.
>>>> What is it that you are trying to achieve with your blog?
First, I think Oman is in a period of transition
from an economy based on exporting oil and gas to, well, whatever the
future holds. Its obvious that the present growth rate in the
population far exceeds the growth in net foreign income from oil and
gas (and the export industries based on gas, like aluminum and
petrochemicals), while at the same time we continue to import almost
everything the country needs to live, including much of our food,
technology, labour and skills. People have become accustomed to a
highly paternalistic state providing everything for them, and expect
all the nice things a modern lifestyle can provide, without earning it
on their own merits. Its unsustainable.
I think a key part of that transition is having a society much more
open to criticism, to improve the Government and the performance of
the economic agents within the country. I'm personally convinced that
His Majesty has long foreseen a time when Oman's Government will be
able to be based on a model closer to a constitutional Monarchy,
perhaps more similar to a Northern European model, with an elected
representative chamber that exercises real control over the executive
branches of Government. But democracy is not primarily about votes.
This is where the West has made a huge mistake. Free speech, a free
press, intellectual freedom, freedom of information and freedom of
association are far, far more important than votes to ensuring a
Government has the support of the people it governs. It's almost
irrelevant if people actually cast formal ballots. Just look at Iran.
People need to be able to discuss openly how the Government's money is
being spent, the quality of their schools and healthcare, abuse of
power, and how their various Government Ministers are performing. I'd
like to think the blog is a very small part of the beginning of that
in Oman.
As you work for Times of Oman:
I presume you're curious about my occasional criticism of Times Of Oman Editorial by Essa Al Zedjali. I often make comments about the
Times of Oman editorials because I think the newspapers here could
really help drive this transition, instead of blindly supporting the
idea that everything the Government does is perfect and couldn't be
improved; its pure propaganda. This therefore supports a culture where
power and corruption win over true principals of equal rights, and
treats the people like idiots. That waste offends me deeply. I also
think that many of the comments made about Israel and 'Jews' are both
illegal under Omani law and simply serve to make the solution to the
problem of Palestine much more difficult to attain, namely a 2 state
solution based on the 1967 borders (with adjustments of equal areas to
balance realities). It's part of the attempt to distract people in
Oman from what's wrong here by getting them to think about Israel. I
think the opportunity to really lead opinion, given the tremendous
reach and resources the printed press has in Oman, is being wasted in
the pursuit of pontificating vanity, pandering to ugly prejudices and
ignorance, and trying to obtain wasta while covering up ineptitude. In
addition, these opinions have often been picked up elsewhere in the
world media and sometimes make Oman, as a nation, look as ignorant
and, to be frank, bat shit crazy as somewhere like Yemen or Pakistan.
Unfortunately, so much of the material published by Times of Oman, and
most of the other media outlets, is so ironically entertainingly
stupid and asinine that it would be more difficult to blog if it were
otherwise! I know I'm joined by many true Omani intellectuals in my
derision of these aspects of the Omani press and TV.
>>>> How long have you been in Oman?
Quite some time. Lets just say, many years.
>>>> How do you cultivate your sources?
It's taken time. By sticking with the blog and growing its reputation,
increasingly people email me directly with various stories and
information. I also hear a lot from people who know things and talk
about it in public, when they perhaps shouldn't. Most of it I don't
publish, because I like to double or even triple check what I blog,
and to do that in many situations is almost impossible without
compromising either my sources or myself. I also take great efforts to
protect my sources' anonymity, so one develops a relationship based on
mutual trust and respect. There are some stories I would love to be
able to post, but to do so from within Oman would be illegal under the
censorship laws here, so I don't. The internet is also a wonderful
source of free information if you take the time to look, and do some
>>>> Have you seen any tangible results of all that you critique, discuss and
>>>> put forth for debate on your blog?
Thats debatable I guess. I'd like to think that part of the reason we
are seeing slightly more bravery in the printed media here over the
past 18 months or so, especially led by Apex publishing and Muscat
Daily, is due to the fact of what I blog. Muscat Confidential has been
showing, perhaps, that things are not as bad as publishers or
journalists originally thought about the law. It's early days though.
Omani culture, nor the authorities in general, are not even ready to
see what is demonstrably true being published, let alone opinion that
is offensive to some people. In the USA, for example, a standard and
total defense against libel is that what was published is true. That
is not the case in Omani law, nor is it accepted by most Omanis.
Several of my posts have been picked up in the Arabic forums which are
far more popular, and have triggered discussion on topics such as the
recent story I published on the abysmal quality of Oman's higher
>>>> How do you relate to Omanis that you deal with on a regular basis? I
>>>> mean to ask, do you see the attitudes of this country or the projected
>>>> attitudes, reflected in colleagues, friends, acquaintances that are Omani?
I don't see such stereotypes as being very relevant or useful. There's
a range in all societies. What counts is behaviour and intellectual
integrity, not your passport.
>>>> Why hasn't anyone found you out yet?
Probably because I don't meet with people, even though I've often been
asked. And I'm careful to ensure that what I write is generally
unsourcable to a unique individual. I'm sure that if I was a threat to
Omani security (which I am not) or posting things that are seriously
illegal (which I don't), that Internal Security could find me in
moments! Fortunately, Internal Security are both very good at what
they do, and have more important things to do than worry about
bloggers that occasionally offend self-righteous and incompetent civil
servants, pseudo-intellectual editors, rapacious property developers
or unemployed and woefully ignorant University students. Thank
>>>> What do you think of the Omani bloggers and their work on the
>>>> blogosphere, especially the women?
Perhaps the only reason Oman has made the progress it has is its
hardworking women, and Oman has fortunately had a relatively
progressive attitude to women in society, especially compared to the
rest of the region. I think the internet has been a tremendous boost
to empowering women in Oman and the region. All strength to them.
Plus, most of the interesting Omani blogs are in Arabic, which I don't
read very well.
>>>> Has blogging made you more aware and seeking of information? How has
>>>> your blog and people's response to it affected your personality?
No, not really. While I'm always looking for interesting stories, I
still have to hold down a job and live a normal life. It's just a
blog, lets not get too carried away. But its always nice when it comes
up in conversation. There is a certain self-centered vanity to
blogging that's hard to deny.
>>>> I know it sounds redundant, but a lot of what you say in your blog could
>>>> get you into trouble, despite you disclaimer. People will misinterpret
>>>> anything, you will agree. So how have you stayed out of trouble for this
>>>> long?
I've stayed out of trouble because I take pains to stay within the
law, and to remain anonymous. That I haven't been blocked despite
numerous complaints may indicate that some people at a sufficiently
high level within the Government support the concept of Muscat
Confidential and agree that Oman needs a greater degree of discussion.
Or they just haven't noticed and/or don't care, because nothing I do
is in any way a threat to the status quo and I don't blog in Arabic.
And people have a very short attention span.
>>>> Your analyses is usually very incisive and pretty harsh on the whole,
>>>> about various topics. What do you hope to achieve with taking that kind of a
>>>> stance on these things?
If people want to get smoke blown up their ass, and live in a
delusional world populated by Unicorns that crap butterflies and spend
all day patting themselves on the back, they already can get plenty of
that from the mainstream Omani media. Critique and satire is the
essence of what the blog is about. It's much more entertaining that
way, and people like to be amused. If the blog was boring and
happy-clappy, no one would read it, and then there wouldn't be much
point, would there?
>>>> Will you tell me where your sources are? And how you gain their trust?
Oh yes. I get a lot of emails from .... I'm kidding. Of course not.
But I suspect some of them are real life journalists who come across
things they can't print; or ordinary people who don't like something
but can't tell anyone because they would loose their job. And I have a
lot of friends in the various Ministries who tell me things. A lot.
The trust comes from being accurate, or saying things that are true
and interesting.
>>>> Thank you for the interview.
Thank you for the opportunity, and for even trying to do this story. I am curious to see how it turns out. Keep up the effort.
* I know. Even I'm having difficulty actually seeing that phrase in print on MC...
Undercover Dragon
Great interview....
ReplyDeletebe very interesting to see if/how much will be published.
The press in Oman really needs to gain some relevance and credibility and that can only be achieved through daring to cover real issues, sensibly and having the courage/backing to take on the "rich/powerful/corrupt/lazy/incompetent"
For exhibit A - Look at the success of the National in the UAE and the demise of the Gulf News..AKA Gulf Snooze
UD, I just want to hug you for this post. What a vocabulary!!!! Great quotable quotes.
ReplyDeleteHard hitting.
"pseudo-intellectual editors, rapacious property developers" (who?)
Time to stop the blame everything on israel
"It's part of the attempt to distract people in
Oman from what's wrong here by getting them to think about Israel."
Very well analysed, the better part of Omanis. Hope others also will learn from this.
"Perhaps the only reason Oman has made the progress it has is its
hardworking women, and Oman has fortunately had a relatively
progressive attitude to women in society, especially compared to the
rest of the region"
You are no different from the rest of westerners who came before you, you all come here with your bs about freedom of this and freedom of that. Just take your pay check and shut go with the flow. What has that freedom given you? If back home was so perfect why come here? Oman and its people will change at their own pace.
ReplyDeleteHave you every though that MAYBE you are not blocked because someone is just waiting for you slip? Remember that the jail in samail doesn’t have internet so maybe when you are sent there you could convince the warden to get the place connected because its you RIGHT....Omr
Have you though that maybe you are not blocked because someone is just waiting for you slip? Remember that the jail in samail doesnt have internet so maybe when you are sent there you could convince the warden to get the place connected because its you RIGHT....OMR
Fantastic interview Dragon.
ReplyDeleteAs one who spent two years working in Oman, (a country that I loved) I had some remarkable feedback from female members of staff. I was completely overawed at their interest in the main branch of business. Their diligence, committment, hardwork, and intellectual curiosity are a credit to the country.
I also sincerely hope that the mainstream media can eventually break free, of the delusional attitudes they have adopted.
Speaking as an outsider, they certainly (now) fail to show the country in a positive light.
The world has moved on. Oman also needs to do the same.
Great interview- insightful answers to some good questions. And (to paraphrase you) I ain't just blowin smoke up your ass.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic reply!
Well done you!
You seem to have a major handle of what is going down in Oman - and also a full grasp of cultural awareness and all things financial.
Why indeed would UD come here if the civilised world was so perfect.
Freedom: yes! Bullshit! All bullshit.
What has freedom of speech and choice ever gained society!
I applaud you OMR and can only stand in awe at your comments!
Clearly what's really needed (short term) in Oman is more female Greek Marketing Managers.
ReplyDeleteI have been a largely anonymous and silent fan of your blog - this is my first (and probably only) post - but today I feel compelled to comment on a certain statement in your interview.
"In addition these comments have been picked up elsewhere... and sometimes make Oman, as a nation, look as ignorant and to be frank, bat shit crazy as somewhere like Yemen or Pakistan".
Ironic bro (there's no way you are a sis in my mind), very very ironic.
I must say one of the reasons I read your blog is for the sardonic humor with which you sneer at the incompetence and frivolity of people (alongside the fact that, at MC, one gets easy access to local gossip without having to do too much).
However, the aforementioned statement reeks of the very judgmental stereotyping that I usually find you scathing at in most of your socio-political entries.
I am by no means defending the "bat shit crazy" elements of Pakistan or Yemen (I will leave my allegiance a mystery). In fact, despite the twinge of patriotic rage I am intellectually channeling through this post, I am sadly in agreement with your 'frank' assessment - I am guilty of my own fair share of Afghani / Somali / Pakistani / Yemeni wise cracks at the office.
But I always have, and will, strongly resist the temptation to let a marginal radicalized segment of a populace taint the reputation of a larger group.
Your writing reflects a level of basic intellectual maturity and sophistication which ought to prevent you from branding the entire Yemeni & Pakistani nations as 'bat shit crazy', so I don't think this is about your opinion.
It is however, about rhetoric. And in the world of printed (or at least written / typed) opinions, judgmental statements are tantamount to intellectual folly (a la Times of Oman).
Much of the world's prostituted 'free' press and media publishes the kind of hogwash that serves to perpetuate stereotypes, deepen cultural divides, and conveniently brand large groups of people for the smooth functioning of hate politics.
Your blog is part of an encouraging evolution in the Arab / Muslim blogosphere - much needed in these lands of cultural uniformity and political apathy. Do not let your writing be jaundiced by the selective propaganda of mainstream media.
Know that there are many many like you, who exist in the harsh realities of Pakistan and Yemen, and are blogging their opinions with the risk of consequences you can not begin to imagine. They despise all the dubious titles that their nations have been branded with ("bat shit crazy" being no exception).
They labor tirelessly to prove to the world that there exists a vast array of cultural diversity in their societies, and that in these bleak times, they need their fellow web crusaders to remind the masses (blind folded by TV) to wake up to the abstract reality of life before it's too late (the time when an average Yemeni and / or Pakistani youth is carrying an AK-47 in place of a cell phone is not as distant from reality as most people think).
If there is anything 'free' media can do, it is to sever the shackles of political dogma perpetuated by biased media, because consequential Geo-political decisions are intricately tied to popular opinion. That is why propaganda specialists exist.
Blogs represent a beacon to those entrenched in the darkness of political delusion. Yours is certainly no exception.
My comments are intended to be constructive criticism and I hope you treat them accordingly.
Keep up the good work!
(signing off with a nickname as suggested)
Yemeni & Pakistani ambassador to Mars.
ReplyDeleteDear Omr,
ReplyDeleteEinstein, a Westerner whom you might have seen - big fluffy white hair and moustache - once said: "Two things are infinite the Universe and stupidity, however i have my doubts about the first one"... just to chew it down for you.... human stupidity is ENDless - and you are a living proof of that.
People like UD and myself, we have left our families, countries to come here and besides the fat paycheck that you say, we want to GIVE to a country we learned to love, despite its differences to our own countries.
But to GIVE, someone must feel the need to TAKE. If you act like an idiot and you do NOT want to learn and take, YES we will turn typical westerners, get our money and fo....
But we do NOT want to do that because we see the potential in Oman and Omani people.
Regarding Samail, the mathematical probabilities are that you are much more likely to end up there (if u really believe what ur saying) rather than UD.
Try to UNDERSTAND that we do not tell you off to humiliate you, stop being so f.... insecure, and try to LEARN, IMPROVE and most of all... THINK FOR YOURSELF...
As for the UD slip that somebody is waiting in the corner, that is an old coward attitude, much appreciated around here... we call it backstabbing. It happens when people are not confident/brave or capable of expressing their beliefs, too insecure to support it, therefore whoever disagrees with a better idea, they wait until they are down and THEN they backstab them. NOt a very manly attitude in my country... we have names for such people...
Take ur pick my friend Omr.... Either remain in stupendous oblivion OR relax and think, try to learn and progress in your head...
This time, the second options pays much better...
My Dear Friend Omr,
ReplyDeleteI like your post a lot. One has to take onto consideration the culture that we come from. Oman is very rich in culture and the people here are very kind. But without freedom, won't we end up like Saudi. Take a look at Afghanistan. There was no freedom there when the Taliban ruled. Do you want your wife/mother/sister be beaten on the street for not following the rules?
My family has been here for the past 60 years. We spend more time here than in our homeland. Oman has changed. Hats off to HM Sultan Qaboos for the development of Oman. But one cannot deny the corruption and people like Mr. Essa Al Zedjali mis-using his brand to make his shit heard.
If you still don`t agree with our views, I think you and Mr. Essa Al Zedjali are made for each other.
Mr. Boong
Well said ANOY who didn’t have the balls to mention his name.... This just goes to shows that you are an American or Brit...Spoke like a true master. The truth is you left your country for the money, Oman is the easiest way out for you rather than all the competition you have back home. If you all came here to "GIVE" then why act like it’s your birth right to be treated like some master? You need to understand where we came from and where we are now to appreciate the freedom we have. Learn the culture and mingle with Omanis then only you will understand how to appreciate the freedom we have. Those days of flashing your big fake smile with the funny accent are over my friend. We don’t need you to rescue us, history show that every time you guys show up things just get worse than that what they were or do I need to name places for you to understand? As I said earlier to your boyfriend UD, we will go at our own pace because we don’t want to end up like your countries.
ReplyDeleteBTW I have a better job than you will ever dream of, so why would I be insecure
Mr. Boong
ReplyDeleteyou guys need to get one thing clear,im against you imposing your defenition of freedom, why do you think omantel block sites? its the stupid way of expressing your so called "right of freedom of expression'. If You want oman to be US or UK then why dont you go work there.
Oman is not Saudi or Afghan and thats the reason you all flood this country. Essa is expressing his opinion, isnt that what you want? but just because his views differ from yours then he becomes the bad guy..this is typical western mentality.
ReplyDeleteunfortunately for you I am neither UK nor US citizen. Actually I come from a country with civilization waaaaaaaaay older than anything you have in your neighborhood.
Also, I have maybe more Omani friends than you do.
What u do not seem to understand is that we are here because we do a job that, CURRENTLY, Omanis cannot do.
When my other Western friends complain about Omanis being lazy, I stand up for them, explaining that Oman does not have the working culture of the West, therefore you cannot expect them to act the same.
I do not expect ANYONE to treat me as a master but please explain to me why do Omanis expect Indian, Philipino, Pakistani, Indonesian and all other "serving" nationalities to treat YOU as masters? Maybe because you feel like that?
I say it to you for a second time: Try to get over your possible bad experiences of SOME westerners and see things for what they are...
We DO love Oman and the Omanis, we ARE here to help (because u do NOT have the skills YET) and we get paid accordingly. We are NOT rescuing you, we are "training" you to take your country into your own hands.
Try to overcome your stupid pride and xenophobia and realize simple facts that EVERYONE around you understands....
Point about anonymity: Anonimity protects us from idiots who, when they see they cannot win a fight they come from behind... You know, typical cowards...
Last note: Freedom is the most sacred of all things! But to understand that u must come from a culture that has fought for it, or to be adequately educated and cultured. Obviously you are neither.
Omr....did you meet a US/UK girl and fall for her? Did she knock you back?
ReplyDeleteDid you get the sack by a western manager for not pulling your weight?
Have you had a business/investment with a westerner go sour?
It's just that you sound like a hurt little boy lashing out with such ridiculous generalizations that it appears there's a more deep-seated reason for you anger?
Maybe you should get a little therapy, get it of your chest, you know - let it all go man.
You then may be able to enter into rational debates. Good luck
Anon,We are in oman not Iraq so dont be a chicken and think anybody will try hurt you,We will fight with words my friend.
ReplyDeleteYou talk as if all Omanis are sitting at home while you all are doing the work.Everyone has pride including you isnt that the reason you are defending your purpose of being here? Yeah right you are here to train omanis, why cant you all admit that you are here for the money? Il tell you what we expect from all foreigners here in Oman,do your job,get your money and stop complaining,how difficult is that? Dont impose your culture or way of life on us. Its obvious that most of you who come here are the rejects and cannot find jobs back home.No wonder you are like idiots.
Again my argument here is to just to let us be. As they say When in Rome do as the romans do.
the day you all stop with double standard crap then you might be treated as civilised people. When i express my opinion then its because of some sort of past experience or that i need therapy but when you talk shit then you are just expressing your right or just trying to help us. Just to cut short this whole debate, as long as you live here you will go according to our rules and will enjoy the limited FREEDOM that you will get. So stop crying like a baby and appriciate the country and its paycheck. cheers looser
ReplyDeleteOMR...you are one bat shit crazy dude!
ReplyDeleteCap'n Jack
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ReplyDeleteUD: I find your sense of humour amusing and am happy to read many of the stories you pick up. And I DO watch Omani TV, LOL. I like the random camel, and Nizwa pics.
ReplyDeleteOmr: As an expat who came here out of love of the country and Islam, and FULLY understands the difference between freedom here and in the West, Omr, I find your comment [while I understand where it comes from] a bit generalized [and attempting to be threatening--jail in Sumail?!]. Some of us expats come here because Oman is more free as a country than KSA (no insult to Saudi, the freedoms in Saudi are no less, only different) but as I personally get paid waaaaay less in Oman than I do in Canada, and my lifestyle is down-sized from Canada, I know you ARE generalizing. I fell in love with Oman and really do just want to work here and help the country and enjoy it every way that I can. This is true for expats (though admittedly not all of them---I once told a member of my own family just what you said, take your paycheck or shut up and go home) I wish I could read more of the Arabic blogs, but I do enjoy reading Muscat Confidential because there are some hard things to hear, ya know, but nasiha is a medicine, and not all medicines are sweet to drink. Not all are all the right prescription either, so don't generalize.
ReplyDeleteOne of the many things I love about this country and the system behind it is that idiots like you don't get to make any real decisions.
ReplyDeleteIf you love Islam so much then go to mecca..
If you loved the system then why bitch about it.
OMR, were your parents high when you were conceived???
ReplyDeleteCause you sound like a waste of a sperm.
Mr. Bong
UD you failed to disclose in the interview that you are in actual fact simply an arrogant twat, seeking dilusional glory with your beauty salon gossip, trash talk and rant. Lets meet in the
ReplyDeletesalon of your choice soon to get our nails done and catch up on irrefutable facts you so eloquently spew to the uninformed masses!
Undercover Drag Queen
ReplyDeleteI thought the 'arrogant' part was pretty obvious already. The twat part is just your opinion, but fair enough I guess, albeit gynecologically a bit off base..
But "irrefutable facts... eloquently spew(ed) to the uninformed masses!" sounds OK to me.
Big kisses.
Oh, And it's "delusional"
ReplyDeleteI dont have more to say to you,your name says it all.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOMR: LOL, yes, inshaAllah, one day mecca, but I don't want to live there. I said I loved Oman too, not just Islam. Did you know Oman was one of the only countries just asked to convert to islam and did???? I love Oman. For the sake of Oman and the majority of Omanis. You generalize, and come off as ignorant then, which is not good for your people.