Another cautionary tale of the draconian laws in Dubai and the obscene powers available to the banks in the UAE to imprison expats, from the BBC online. [TWI - thx for the link!]
The Catch-22 aspects of the UAE's immature laws with regard to debt and the absence of a personal bankrupcy law are scary indeed. More on that to come soon.
Dragon's advice on the UAE remains, as before, "Best Avoided"
BBC News
Homeless in Dubai
18 July 2010 Last updated at 03:45 ET Help
Nicholas Warner is British and sleeping on the street in Dubai. He got into a dispute with his bank, Emirates NBD, initially over whether his credit card repayments had been made.
He went on holiday at Christmas and the bank says that by leaving the country without its permission while they were in a dispute, he got reclassified as a so-called "debt skipper" - one of the many expats who leave Dubai in a hurry with large debts, never to return.
When he arrived back at Dubai airport, he was arrested. His passport was seized by police on the authority of the bank.
Although he was released and tried to negotiate with the bank he got into further difficulties.
He had been working as a strategy adviser for an alternative medicine company, but his employer decided it was safer to let him go while he sorted everything out.
Emirates NBD is refusing to let his passport be released until the debts are paid. Nicholas has no way of paying them without a job. And he cannot get a job without being able to show he's in the country legally. For that, he needs his passport.
Read more:
Destitute in Dubai: One man's story
PS: The Dragon is still on leave, like everyone else. Expect delays and occasional champagne-induced poor typography...